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An easy way to become an atheist
Probability theory
Published on February 28, 2006 By
Pray that 5 black pearls will be found in a coffee cup on your coffee table 10 times a day.
And each day when it is confirmed that there are no 5 marbles, your belief will changed.
Do this for 30 days, and at the end you will be an atheist.
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An easy way to become an atheist
Does it require Faith to be an atheist.
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KFC Kickin For Christ
on Mar 10, 2006
You can lay a lot of wrongs at the feet of Christians, sure. How many can you find that believe killing women and children is the duty of a Christian, and it will gain them entrance into heaven? If you want to compare modern fundamentalist Islam to middle ages Christianity, fine, but admit that when you do so you are giving Islam a 1000 year handicap.
And before you start in on Hitler being a Christian, he and those who committed the atrocities of the Nazi party weren't Christians. Hitler courted many people getting into power, even people of many religions, but he said that you couldn't be a good Christian and a good German at the same time. Members of the SS were expected to adopt their pagan worship and reject Christianity.
You'll find that people who do these things do so in the BREACH of Christian principles, not in observance of them. For that reason it is difficult to lay the blame on the religion itself. If you want to talk about Atheism, we could discuss the 100 million or more people murdered at the hands of the adamantly Atheist regimes of the Soviet Union and China, where religion was repressed and scientific 'logic' was supposed to make the world a better place
You're the man Baker!! I thought this was worth repeating. I agree.
Fox....I am a fundamental Christian. I do not believe in hurting anyone, anyhow, anyway. Neither do my brothers and sisters in Christ. We are doing our best to be like him. He said for us to be peaceable. How does that compare us to the Muslims?
I think you have religionists and Christians on the same page and they should not be. I do not consider myself religious. Some say that for lack of a better word but you can be religious about anything. To be a Christian means you follow Christ. That's it; pretty cut and dry. I follow Christ.
Religion is one of the greatest sources of oppression our citizens have in this life.
Religion can be, this is true. But Christianity sets you free!! There are many groups out there that claim they are Christian, but they are religous institutions that are mixing truth and error and can be very opressive. I've been there.
You have to be so familiar with the truth that you can spot a lie when it crops up.
on Mar 10, 2006
Religion is one of the greatest sources of oppression our citizens have in this life.
Fox it is not the greatest source. I suggest restating it as this. Religion is one of the greatest TOOLS for oppression our citizens have in this life. The greatest incentive is belief of truth. But only enough truth to keep one satisfied.
What about governments? It's not limited to religion.
But Christianity sets you free!!
One man's freedom is another man's bondage.
on Mar 10, 2006
Once we’ve experienced enough incarnations, however, and our flower has blossomed, and we’ve learned all the lessons we need, we’ll move on to other adventures in higher planes of existence. Ultimately, at the end of all our adventures we will surrender all and become One with God.
You have managed to sum up my entire philosophy about what happens after death in 2 sentences.
Thank you. It's incredibly comforting to know that I'm not the only one who believes in the 'oneness'.
on Mar 10, 2006
"Religion is one of the greatest sources of oppression our citizens have in this life."
Lack of religion didn't stop China and the Soviet Union from killing over 100 million people between them and torturing billions in the most oppressive regimes in human history. Perhaps as a 'science' buff you might realize that the problem isn't religion, it is a separate problem that hateful people both with and without religion share.
"And just because the Evil mostly happened in the past, doesn't negate the possiblity that it will also be a problem in the future."
How does that prove anything? I thought you were supposedly logical. No culture, religious or otherwise, is free from atrocity and horror. Just because some people who wear boots kill people doesn't mean you can accurately predict if they will be brutal by their footwear. You just want to demonize one aspect of humanity when humanity as a whole is to blame.
"Your God is just a figment of your imagination, with no real affect in the world we live."
Again, you drop back to infantile declarations of "truth" since you can't make your point.
"That is why my pearls work, it teaches you that your imaginary God still doesn't do anything. And will not do anything ever, simply because of non existance."
No, your pearls example only works if the religion has some expectation that God delivers pearls on demand, and so far I know of none that do. It's just a clumsy way for a blind man to describe an elephant, and worse, the blind man ignorantly hates the elephant without feeling more than its tail. Anyone who thinks the above experiment has any relavance to Christian theology doesn't have enough knowledge of it to even discuss.
"Oh and by the way, south park says its the Mormons that is the true religion. Everyone else goes to hell, directly."
No, actually they spent the whole show calling the fundamental beliefs 'dumb'. In the end though, they made the excellent point that whether the beliefs were true or not, they had concrete benefits to the mormon boy, his family, and his community. That's something that they understand that you don't seem to be able to.
on Mar 10, 2006
I think we have already determined that communism is inherently evil and full of opression.
I never said that taking God out of the equation makes you peacful. I only said that putting God in the equation makes you corrupt.
You can say "I follow the real Christ", not the fake one. But you can be lying just as much as the next guy.
By the way, you are correct, it is a TOOL of oppression. But it is also a source, for without it (the source), it couldn't be used as a TOOL. I like your statement, but its not complete.
And if you have a God that you expect nothing of, then its a benign God. It is meaningless, and it is just as good as the atheist, just you say "I think this God", but it doesn't matter cause there is no expectation or affect that means anything other than your belief in and of itself. And belief in and of itself is meaningless without action. "Lots of words, nothing with any reality".
Science is STILL the only reliable way to obtain knowledge.
When we die, it will be like it was before we were born. Don't you remember how it was?
I dare you to pretent like your an atheist and you have changed your worldview infront of your fellow Christians. You will find your true friends quick enough.
on Mar 11, 2006
You have managed to sum up my entire philosophy about what happens after death in 2 sentences.
Thank you. It's incredibly comforting to know that I'm not the only one who believes in the 'oneness'.
That's an interesting reply. Thanks Dharma. Do you believe that after each life, we become re-incarnated automatically, with nothing inbetween lifetimes - until we attain our goal, so to speak? That's an exclusive Buddhist perspective, which I have great respect for. I personally believe there's more to the story than that. I believe that our individual journeys continue in another plane, inbetween lifetimes, and that it’s our choice to re-incarnate on earth. With each incarnation we learn more lessons, garner more wisdom and strength, and become more evolved spiritually, in ways that we can't on the other side. But that's just my view.
on Mar 11, 2006
The easiest way to becoming an athiest? Close your eyes and don't think....LOL.....
That's not much of a stretch from having faith. Just believe, don't think. So in my mind, not thinking leads to theism, not atheism.
No, actually they spent the whole show calling the fundamental beliefs 'dumb'. In the end though, they made the excellent point that whether the beliefs were true or not, they had concrete benefits to the mormon boy, his family, and his community.
You confused episodes, Baker. There's one about the Mormon boy and mormon beliefs, etc...and one where there are a bunch of people just arriving in hell and someone shouts out "Well who is right then?" (meaning whose cosmological views were the correct ones) and the "greeter" in hell says "The Mormons. Yes, the correct answer was 'Mormons'"
on Mar 11, 2006
I still haven't heard a compelling argument as to the benefits of atheism. Why would someone wish to "become an atheist"? Again I will compare faith to being in love. Being in love is wonderful. People who aren't in love didn't chose to be so. The love just isn't there. Would someone in love decide "nah, I'd rather not be in love"?
An atheist is an atheist because they aren't inspired by that 'love' in their heart. They don't have a 'feeling' that there is a God. Because if they did, no amount of logic would take it away.
I'm not christian. I don't 'know' that Jesus is the son of God. But if I did feel that to be true, I am sure nothing would cause me to lose that feeling. I guess that is why I can't understand the antichristian mentality.
on Mar 12, 2006
By the way, you are correct, it is a TOOL of oppression. But it is also a source, for without it (the source), it couldn't be used as a TOOL. I like your statement, but its not complete.
Okay Fox how about this.
Religion is one of the greatest TOOLS for oppression our citizens have in this life. The greatest incentive is belief of truth. But only enough truth to keep one satisfied and but not content. It is out of this designed ignorance that the troubled heart seeks dominance over the appeared weak when they themselves are truly the ones that are weak. This all stems from selfishness and greed (ie uncontentment). These are weaknesses of man and therefore man would be the soul root NOT religion. Religion is often laid prey by such wolves in sheeps clothing. Which I see as a strong basis why many veer away from religion or faith. But maybe that's just me.
on Mar 21, 2006
Adventure-Dude, that is an interesting perspective. I think in a lot of ways its right on the money.
The problem I have is who is to say that the religious do this oppressing consciously, or just as a byproduct of their religion. In my case, I didn't know shit and just believed because of feelings, and visiting with like minded people. I never intentionally wanted to cause harm, however I believe I did (a little). And you are correct, in that there was never real contentment during my religious time, I think because it is designed that way.
I want to thank you for your contribution.
Gilford Tuttle
on Oct 19, 2006
Problem with you folks is that you live in the material world and don't get it.
on Oct 19, 2006
I dont belive in the Christian, Muslim or any of the other "contemporary" Gods.
I do like and subscribe to many of their basic practises and principles however, such as the 10 commmandments. Many (not all) of the Buddhist ideas on spiritual living are pure wisdom and have no flaws as far as i can tell.
There is without a doubt some kind of Creator but it's pure arrogance on behalf of the human species to believe we actually understand anything about any of the big questions. Contemporary religions are a part of the process towards advancing our understanding of the Universe and our place in it. Just like the move from polytheism to monotheism, we will gradually move towards a more evolved understanding of our place in the Universe. This is the position from which I interpret your position.
You appear to be advocating (very poorly) the use of scientific principles to "disprove" the existance of God. But you base your assertions on logic that is fundamentally flawed.
As i understand it, the Christian God, which is who you seem to be denouncing with your black pearls theory requires that you have faith in Him. I can't actually quote scripture but from the little religious programming i have seen, as i understand it there are passages in the Bible that specifically talk about "thou shall not test me", or something to that effect.
So here we have someone claiming that God doesn't exist because He isn't performing miracles for that person during a test specifically designed to prove that He, God, doesn't exist in the first place.
Thats doesn't prove God doesn't exist. It does however suggest you are forming your opinions based on very flawed and entirely unscientific practises and principals. Whats more you demonstrate a total lack of understanding of the subject you are trying to debunk.
I was under the impression that God allows free will. Your freewill is that you will not believe in Him. Your black pearls theory is simply the process by which you will exert your freewill, given to you by Him, to disbelieve.
Your test does not disprove the existance of God, it simply confirms that He hath given you that which He hath offered. In fact I would suggest that anyone praying to God for 30 days straight is more of a believer than most of Us.
Your problem is that you have attempted to use religious processes in order that you be able to debunk religion. If you want to truely be able to deny the existance of God then you need to be able to explain all that is .... without Him.
Gilford Tuttle
on Feb 22, 2007
the eagle turned on Saddam and Attacked
Saddam was one of our warriors way back
we crowned him a prince
he fucked up and we fucked up
hell everybody was fucking up
it was war & shit never goes the way anyone really wants
son went all mad dog in the end
when we decided
to use the kurds
to take him down
for security purposes
went to war
saddam's head was so dangerous
the executioner ripped it right off
the crowds screamed and cried
tried to drive his mighty spirit away from the gallows
rightly so trembling in fear
at the horror of his coming wrath
His spirit surprised everyone & no one
with a wave and a tear
he forgave them their place in history
as great men do
great men
sorry old soldier left hungry alone in your fox hole
wish i could have told you
we are praying
for you
to all enemies we sing: our hearts are still open
our minds are still free
we were not effected
by they great they's
enchantment spells
we too are sickened
rotting diseased cloak of these lies
we are coming for you
i am
a man of my word
the word
your word
our word
forgive us
We just didn't make it in time saddam
this stoic crusader was still marching silently
through the carnage
seeking rank on missions top secret
waging war from under deep cover
pretending always to go along
for the order
to come down
you know how that is
we all salute you
on Jun 07, 2007
Jill, long time no write... sry...
I don't necessarily "hate" Christians. Just the belief system. I prefer the Buddah system of belief, except that it has it's own flaws.
I have spent way too much of my life in the computer to really form a good opin. However it has been my experience in every case with every Christian that I have ever met that manipulation has been the promenent theme. There is a controlling nature associated with religion that I believe is pure evil, and not even seen by the people that commit these crimes.
So in essence, I know that Christianity is not only false, but borderline evil. And the deeper you fall into the belief system, the more evil you become.
That's been my sincere experience with the Christian religion.
on Jun 07, 2007
Jill, long time no write... sry...
I don't necessarily "hate" Christians. Just the belief system. I prefer the Buddah system of belief, except that it has it's own flaws.
I have spent way too much of my life in the computer to really form a good opin. However it has been my experience in every case with every Christian that I have ever met that manipulation has been the promenent theme. There is a controlling nature associated with religion that I believe is pure evil, and not even seen by the people that commit these crimes.
So in essence, I know that Christianity is not only false, but borderline evil. And the deeper you fall into the belief system, the more evil you become.
That's been my sincere experience with the Christian religion.
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