This is my blog.
Published on October 25, 2005 By Foxjazz In Philosophy
For the most part. Sin just doesn't exist. Except in the mind of a believer in this falsley promoted concept.

Sin is for the guilty. Guilt is cause by a belief in sin. But sin only exist in the mind, it really don't exist in reality.

Immoralit exists, but sin doesn't. At least not for everyone. In most people, sin exists in the mind. In people who have no God, sin doesn't exist.

It is better to be free of the God thingy (IPU) or whatever you want to call it. Because once free, you can't be touched by the quarum of guilt. And if you have guilt because of sin, it's just a lie people tell you, or you tell yourself.
If you have guilt because of doing something immoral, then you need to reconcile it. And you need to move on. Treat it as a learning experience, and work on doing better next time. If it is guilt by sin, then you are just plainly sick, and probably need to see a phsychiatrist, because nothing else will help no matter who says so.

In the eyes of others, I sin all the time. I don't care, because it isn't bad for me to sin from others viewpoint. However I am free of that crazyness. And hope others become free of it also.

Good luck in seeking your freedom.


on Oct 25, 2005
So if I break your nose and take your wallet, it's no sin against God, because God doesn't exist. Is it a sin against you? Should I feel guilty for what I've done to you? Or is that guilt a lie you'd be telling me?

What is the nature of "immorality", that it exists but "sin" does not?
on Oct 25, 2005
And you know there is no God, how exactly? How do you prove that?

Furthermore, how can you have morality or immorality without God? What would be the point? Altruism for it's own sake would be pointless. Furtherment of the species? Nah. No point. The only possible morality would be one that advanced you and you alone. What basis do you have for right or wrong without an absolute standard? You'd be making it up as you go.

Sin is for the guilty, you're right about that. And you do need to seek freedom from it. But denying sin's existence will not free you from it any more than denying the existence of a set of chains will take them off your arms and legs. Freedom from sin comes from salvation by Christ.

It's not pleasant, but denial never frees us from the consequences of our actions. It's just another easy way out.
on Oct 25, 2005
It would be nice thing if there was no sin. But I'm afarid it is a reality like the probability of two coins coming down heads on average one in four times- not tangible per se but real all the same.
on Nov 27, 2005
SIN definitions:

A transgression of a religious or moral law, especially when deliberate.
Deliberate disobedience to the known will of God.
A condition of estrangement from God resulting from such disobedience.

Something regarded as being shameful, deplorable, or utterly wrong.
To violate a religious or moral law.
To commit an offense or violation.

How can one sin against an omnipotent being? The only sin that matters to God (if you believe in one), are the sins against fellow man which includes you. You pay for your sins against man through civil rules and law. Your punishment in "hell" is lived out here on earth when you commit crimes against fellow man. You live in "hell" when you commit wrongs against fellow man. From both the pyscolological guilt associated with such actions and resultant treatment incurred by fellow man (i.e. prison, ostracising, etc). This is how God punishes you. Why does God care? Because you are damaging his creations and if God does not plan for you to do this then you will suffer by the hand of your fellow man.

The morality of sin does not exist.

For example to do things (that some consider sinful) that do not harm others or yourself in the privacy of your own home is not a sin since it does not affect others and of course doesn't affect God. Therefore to feel guilty of such actions is up to you. If you can live with such actions then it's not a sin.

An example of this would be lusting after an image of a woman on TV. Are you affecting your fellow man by doing this? No. Are you offending the ominpotent being that is God? No. But if you for some reason you can't remove feelings of guilt associated with such actions then it's a sin because you are psycologically damaging your mind with guilt.

Another traditional sin, gluttony or simply put overeating. Is it affecting your fellow man? No. Is it a sin? Technically yes, since you are abusing your own body and in effect damaging once of God's creations namely yourself. The resultant punishment is the "hell" of rising medical bills and poor feelings of health.

To free oneself of sin and guilt is possible but it all depends on yourself and action in question.

To say that sin goes away once you remove God is silly. Sin can be considering a wrongful intent on oneself as well as others. Remember some atheist hold their body to be their sacred temple. Immorality and sin go hand in hand and does not requre a god to exist.

To say that once you remove guilt from your actions, life is good, is very dangerous. This is basically how serial killers temporarily deal with their actions and contine on with their killings. Eventually guilt will force them to either (unconciously) get caught or end the spree with their own suicide.

But to induce artificial guilt like the people in religious power routinely do is the gravest sin and the one that probably stands out the most to God.
on Feb 01, 2006
I would have to say that most people in America believe sin to be defined "going against the will of God".

Now I believe that there are moral wrongs which I have no reason to define as sin. Being immoral is not the definition of sin.

So to be clear, sin does not exists as people believe it to be because of the fundamental definitions used to create sin types.
Now the Law of the state is different from sin. Sin is a more arbitrary thought than a definite thought.

And as for Spc. There is no way in logic to PROVE a negative. You cannot prove "something" does not exist. Try it. It aint workin.

You can believe what you want, but what is real, and what you believe to be real are two very different realities.
