For the most part. Sin just doesn't exist. Except in the mind of a believer in this falsley promoted concept.
Sin is for the guilty. Guilt is cause by a belief in sin. But sin only exist in the mind, it really don't exist in reality.
Immoralit exists, but sin doesn't. At least not for everyone. In most people, sin exists in the mind. In people who have no God, sin doesn't exist.
It is better to be free of the God thingy (IPU) or whatever you want to call it. Because once free, you can't be touched by the quarum of guilt. And if you have guilt because of sin, it's just a lie people tell you, or you tell yourself.
If you have guilt because of doing something immoral, then you need to reconcile it. And you need to move on. Treat it as a learning experience, and work on doing better next time. If it is guilt by sin, then you are just plainly sick, and probably need to see a phsychiatrist, because nothing else will help no matter who says so.
In the eyes of others, I sin all the time. I don't care, because it isn't bad for me to sin from others viewpoint. However I am free of that crazyness. And hope others become free of it also.
Good luck in seeking your freedom.